Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer 2010

We have had an exciting summer! Our new neighbors moved into their new home on lot #10 in July. In addition to that, we have offers on two other lots. We are so looking forward to seeing Foggy Morning Glen grow into a wonderful neighborhood.

We have now lived here through the Winter, Spring and Summer and are looking forward to the Fall and seeing the autumn leaves. Foggy Morning Glen is such a beautiful wooded area and the Fall is a perfect time to see it in all its beauty!

We hope you will drive through our neighborhood yourself to see what we are talking about!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Winter 2010

We are living in our new home! Construction was completed November 2009. We enjoyed the holidays with our family in our new home, both Thanksgiving and Christmas. We have been experiencing two seasons so far and looking forward to Spring and all that it brings. Looking forward to seeing the grass sprout up and the leaves on the trees, although we have so enjoyed the beauty of the snow and winter views out our back windows. We can look down the valley and see the creek, enjoying the wildlife on the back 22 acres. Signs of new wildlife have been spotted (we think we have a beaver on the property!) The creek remains high and the waterfall has continued to flow. Our dog, Dakota, is an absolute snow dog and lives to play in the snow!

We have great news! We have new neighbors! Lot #10 sold in November and construction began in February. We are excited to have neighbors and look forward to the completion of their home in early Summer. Their home is right next to ours and enjoy visiting with them. Activity is picking up as the economy is improving. We anticipate Foggy Morning Glen taking off and growing into a wonderful community of its own.

Please come and visit!